Welcome to ICCP: the world’s first ICF accredited Innovation and Leadership Development program.”

As the need for Innovation grows, the need for Innovation Coaching grows with it…

  • Huge demand for Innovation in industry
  • Growing Need for Internal Coaches
  • The ability to coach others is an essential skill for leadership
  • The ability to coach others is considered an essential need for employee growth
  • Innovation output of organizations is directly proportional to business performance

Innovation Coaching is the space of Dual Mastery for leaders to strive for: to be an exceptional innovator and be able to coach others to innovate better. Innovation Coaching, therefore, leads to better innovation output for companies, and improved products and processes, and of course, customer satisfaction and revenues.

Why Certification in Innovation Coaching is Essential for Growth

There is a huge demand from industry, for a BUSINESS FOCUSED, CORPORATE OBJECTIVE ORIENTED program that leads to ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE and PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. The Certified Innovation Coach will be best placed to address the needs of industry.

For The Individual

For The Organisation

The Certified Innovation Coach :

  • is an EXPERT IN INNOVATION and acts as the prime source of inspiration for innovation in a company.
  • is an EXPERT IN EXECUTIVE COACHING and helps an individual or team with tools and resources to improve its processes and output.
  • challenges the importance of traditional practices and ways of thinking. This results in the evolution of new perspectives, leading to discovery of creative approaches to meet business goals. Such a coach boosts creativity and collaboration, communication and co-creation.

Two Key Focus Areas for Innovation Coaching

1. Innovation Impetus

Learn the most advanced philosophies, principles and processes for Innovation. Develop the Mindsets and Attitudes need for a good innovator, deep dive to learn Design Thinking as the Process for innovation, and master the Skills needed to innovate at scale.

2. Coaching Competencies

Get trained in Executive Coaching, master the 3 elements: Non–Directive, Goal–Oriented and Performance-Driven Coaching. Develop the 8 key Competencies (as per ICF) through extensive practice and application.

ICCP is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as a 66-hour Level-1 Executive Coach Training Programme. All successful participants will be eligible to apply for ICF Coaching certification on completion of the learning journey (subject to meeting all qualification criteria as per ICF).

Mentoring for ICF Certification is provided by expert certified coaches.

4 Modules. 65 Hours. 4 Months. Infinite Learnings.

Module 1

  • Innovation Process: learning Human Centred Design
  • 6 step process from Discovery to Deployment (Discover, Decipher, Define, Develop, Design, Deploy)
  • Innovation Attitudes & Mindsets: From Clayton Christiansen and the Innovator’s DNA to the Hasso-Plattner model
  • Simulation Based learning to develop mastery over the Philosophy, Principles and Processes of Human Centred Design
  • Advanced Tools and Techniques for Design Thinking mastery
  • Case based discussions and group work for application.

Module 2

  • Coaching and its value in business. What does coaching cover? Its difference with counselling, therapy and mentoring.
  • The Main tenets coaching – Being non–directive, Goal–oriented and Performance- driven
  • The coaching approach and difficulties in coaching
  • The 8 crucial competencies of coaching as described by ICF
  • Contract in Coaching. Setting agreements and expectations. Coaching journey – the long- term goal versus session goals

Module 3

  • The Twin Skills of Coaching – Listening and Questioning
  • Applying coaching flow through the GROW model.
  • Unconscious biases in coaching. How to Build self-awareness, develop sensing and avoid the noise in the head – assumptions, judgements and experiences to interfere from deep listening.
  • Innovation coaching - demonstration and debrief of coaching in groups.

Module 4

  • Understanding Team Dynamics and how they impact Group Coaching
  • Group Coaching essentials and pitfalls.
  • Practice labs on Group coaching for Innovation

“What past participants had to say”

“The ICCP program was intensive and demanding as it was spread over 24 sessions and requiring 60 hrs of commitment.  What I learned from the courseis eye-opening and, at times, perplexing. I was ableto see innovation, coaching, and innovationcoaching with a new perspective and from adifferent vantage point. I thought I know, but Irealize how much I don't know when I have gonethrough sessions…The course has taught me thatleadership, innovation, and coaching revolvearound the truth that "all are dependent onunderstanding and learning the human nature in itspurity." It has ignited a new fire in me - always tostrive to become better and favor experientialwisdom in the human aspects.”

“Innovation Coaches are not born they aremade. Innovation is not limited to onefunction, infact it is function agnostic. To pickthe rigour of the process of Design Thinkingand Executive Coaching, combining that tobegin the journey towards innovationmastery. With a cohort including an AIexpert, learning practitioners, financeprofessionals, serial entrepreneurs,executive coaches, managingdirectors...that's the ICCP InnovationCoaching Certificate Program. ThanksHasso Plattner Institute Certified CoachAnirban Bhattacharya and InternationalCoaching Federation MCC SoniBhattacharya, for the sessions.”

“Delighted to successfully completecertification course in Innovation Coachingand Design Thinking. Thanks to Anirban andSoni and fellow participants for the engagingclassroom sessions over last 4 months.”

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be soughtfor with ardour and attended to with diligence.!” It ispossible to go back to learning at any stage of yourcareer especially when you have Soni and Aanirbn asyour trainers and coaches. Super happy to havecompleted… To build the skills to innovate, and coachothers to innovate. It was a great experience to learnfrom experts across the industry , A big thank you to allmy fellow participants -the journey as an executivecoach, empathetic leader and innovation leader beginsnow. I truly believe that my learning journey has nowbegun post ICCP 2 . Thank you tons Anirban and SoniBhattacharya, for your guidance always.

“12 weeks. 24 classes. 60 hourssynchronous learning. 20 hoursasynchronous learning. 10 casestudies. 25 tools. 15 hours of intensepractice. 10 learners. 1 certificateprogram. And a lifetime of learningimpact.”

“While I must admit I had moments of weakness over the 60 hours of learning … but fullcredit to Soni Bhattacharya, and Anirban Bhattacharya. They made ICCP way toointeresting to think about giving up at any time and the amount of learning beingimparted was just stupendous (even learnt to use Slack and Miro).”

Key Details about ICCP:

  • All classes will be held virtually, on Zoom, as per the above calendar.
  • The classes will be conducted in English.
  • This program is open to all, and there is no minimum qualification criteria. However, organisation experience will be useful.
  • For payment details, refund policy and other terms and conditions, please write to coaching@thepaintedsky.com.

The ICCP Program is delivered through a mix of Virtual and Physical classes. The learning sessions are both Synchronous and Asynchronous, spread over 66 hours, and divided into 4 modules. The learning is Simulation based with active Project application, peppered with exciting Field work with Live coaching opportunities. The participants also gets access to over 20 real world Business Cases, enjoy 3 Industry Expert interactions, and work with 100+ ‘subscription only’ articles and reference materials.