Developing EI For Better Performance In Life And Work

Developing EI For Better Performance In Life And Work

by Soni Bhattacharya

When asked by Forbes magazine in a recent interview about the types of leadership characteristics typically yield better business results, Daniel Goleman pointed out that "Studies conducted by companies evaluating their own executives have proven that the top 10% of performers displayed superior competencies in emotional intelligence, rather than in purely cognitive thinking. Capabilities like self-confidence and initiative; bouncing back from setbacks and staying cool under stress; empathy and powerful communication, collaboration; and teamwork all make for better business results." 

So, what are the predictors of EI? What can define and lead us to greater EQ? In the now-legendary "Marshmallow test", done at Stanford University in the 1970's, four-year-old children were given the choice of one marshmallow now or two in several minutes - if they could bear to wait.

Fourteen years later, the researchers found that those who waited versus those who grabbed did much better in academic achievement. Likewise, a separate longitudinal study found that those kids who can widen the gap between impulse and action (a definition of maturity) out-earned the more impulsive ones and that ability was a stronger predictor of their success than either IQ or their family of origin. While the test results are open to interpretations, they do raise the essential questions on behaviors and their links to successes.

Emotional Intelligence does drive performance and productivity, and does lead to better personality development. And our programme on EI, 'In Matters of the Heart', which uses Art-Based methods, Theater techniques and Transaction Analysis and other psychology tools, helps transform performances and personalities for the better.

'In Matters of the Heart' is a Two-Day programme in which participants go through exciting activities that allow them to introspect, connect with their inner self and express their impressions through art. These allow for experiential learning and non-confrontational exchange of ideas, as each participant observes and learns from each other as a team with shared values and visions. At the end, each participant comes away feeling excited, energized and motivated, with deeper understanding of self and respect for team members and team dynamics.

Would you like to help your teams develop into better, more effective Emotionally Intelligent leaders? Do get in touch to know more about the programme and how we it can help improve life and work of those attending.  

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