Emotional Intelligence: The Secret Sauce To Leadership Greatness

Emotional Intelligence: The Secret Sauce To Leadership Greatness

by Soni Bhattacharya

As an Executive Coach and an Emotional Intelligence facilitator, I often find that employees with high Emotional Quotient are better able to work in teams, adjust to change and be flexible.

No matter how many degrees or other on-paper qualifications a person has, if he or she doesn't have certain emotional qualities, he or she is unlikely to succeed. As the workplace continues to evolve, making room for new technologies and innovations, these qualities may become increasingly important.

I also hear the question: "How much of an impact does emotional intelligence have on professional success?" As Travis Bradberry, co-author the bestselling book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 wrote in Forbes magazine, "the short answer is: a lot! It's a powerful way to focus your energy in one direction with a tremendous result."

As he explored further, Bradberry showed how his company, TalentSmart, "tested emotional intelligence alongside 33 other important workplace skills, and found that emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of performance, explaining a full 58% of success in all types of jobs."

As he explored further, Bradberry showed how his company, TalentSmart, "tested emotional intelligence alongside 33 other important workplace skills, and found that emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of performance, explaining a full 58% of success in all types of jobs."